Sunday, September 30, 2007


We had a party and it was so much fun. The goal of the night was to have fun, thank everyone that worked on the film and to rasie some money to help defray costs. We were successful on all fronts. We managed to pull down over $15,000 dollars and there is still money coming in. It was an amazing out pour of love and support. Thank you all.

A big shout out goes to the food crew for pulling together some amazing eats. Bridget from Lovin' From the Oven was the one in charge of that. She did an amazing job and oh wow was the food good. I wish I would have eaten more!

Jessica Hostetter was the brains behind the whole event. She coordinated it all and made it happen. And yes, her husband Doug shot the film. We're all for nepotism.

Special thanks go to Jimmy from USnaps. Check out the shots from the photo booth. They're a gas. You can find more at and the special code word is DryRain.

There were lots and lots of people that helped out in so many ways including all the folks at the doors, the bar tenders, the props people, the DJ. The list goes on. We got a great crew. Thank you all for supporting us.


150 people showed up!

The big auction throw down for the phone booth. The guys at Seatte Grip and Lighting took it home after some heated bidding.

Pete Fromm....Need I say more.

Three kegs of beer from Silver City Brewing