Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Hair's on Fire

It is an amazing process, this casting thing. All I want to do is put a face to my character, to Stil. I've seen him in my head for years now. He's been rattling around in there as I've planned, scouted locations and talked with Pete Fromm about the story. I see him in the car. I see him talking to Joey (Nathan Gamble). The weird thing is I just can't really see his face. I know a lot about him, but I'm still missing that important detail. It's as if he's always standing in a shadow.

Stil is a likeable guy. He's 40's-ish, rough around the edges and has worked, most of his life, in hard jobs. None of them have ever panned out to be more than a few months here and there, but people like him none the less. Stil is a schemer and keeps trying to find something better, but that something better alludes him. He's basically his own worst enemy.

The one thing that Stil has used to his advantage most of his life are his good looks. He's no model, but he is attractive (even with the scar on his chin that he probably got from a little brother wacking him with a golf club or some odd blunt instrument) and can sweet talk like nobody's business. That sweet talking has gotten him into some good predicaments. It probably made him a dad before he was ever ready to be a father.

I don't want to jinx myself, so I won't go into any detail right now, but we have a great actor that is ready to jump on board. We just need to work out some scheduling things. Putting a schedule like this is minor compared to a big movie, but our hair is still on fire trying to line it all up to meet everyone's schedule and to make this happen.

I think I'll have something new to report very soon. For now, check out the pictures below. This is from our location scouting trip in June. Christine and I came around the bend near Helmsville and saw this big fire. The tractor had blown a fuel line or a haydraulic line starting the fire. No one was hurt, but the tractor burned to the ground and most of the hay was lost, not to mention all the work going into bailing, loading and growing it all.

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